• Reading time:7 mins read

ST.BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: This Sunday, 6th March “Morning Prayer” will take place at the local church. The service starts at 9:30am and everyone is welcome.

SCHOOL NEWS: After a hectic snow bound Christmas period, the new term at Sutton has shown no sign of slowing down. A wonderful Christingle service was held at St. Bartholomew’s church, with a thank you to all those who took time to make the Christingle candles.

Several community lunches have been held this term, when Parents, Grandparents, Carers and members of the local community were invited to join the children for lunch.

One was held to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Sporting activities have also been high on the agenda during term, with pupils from years five and six attending the Elizabethan High School for table-tennis coaching.

Notts Forrest coaching team came along to provide help and advice on how the youngsters can work together as a team to get the best results. The advice given seemed to work as the school football team were very successful. Well done all!

At the end of the half-term the children were instructed in the art of Hindu dancing, the PTA held a full filled Karaoke disco and the music group attended the concert at church.

On a sad note, after decades of service to Sutton and Lound, the pre-school has had to close due to the lack of children attending. This is a real loss to the community with children of the future losing out on pre-school learning. Thanks must go to the organisers for years of dedication.

POSTAL SERVICES: The Post Office in the Village Hall will be available as usual on two occasions each week. On Mondays: 9:30am – 1:30pm and on Thursdays 9:00am – 1:00pm. The local office can supply residents with: Pensions, Foreign Currency, Travel Insurance, Car Insurance, Investments and Savings.

IDLE VALLEY SOCIETY: The society met on Tuesday 1st March in Barnby Moor Village Hall at 7:30pm. The speaker was local man Mike Vickers and a full report will follow next week.

POLICE: Local Beat manager for the area PC Chris Glover can be contacted on

Mobile: 07595 074 176 for information and advice.

Alternative Police contact can be made on: 0300 300 9999

More urgent needs may require a 999 call.

WOMEN’S INSTITUTE: The next meeting of the Sutton and Barnby Moor WI will be the groups AGM.   This will take place on Wednesday 16th March at 7:15pm in Sutton Village Hall. Visitors and new members are always welcome.

MEET THE NEIGHBOURS: Tuesday 8th March is the date of the next “Meet the Neighbours” session.   Come and join them for afternoon tea in the Village Hall from 2:00pm. This is your chance to come along and catch up on all the latest happenings from in and around the village.

YESTERYEAR CINEMA: A special showing of Yesteryear Cinema takes place in the village hall thanks to the efforts of a local man. On Saturday 26th March film buffs can come along and refresh their memories of the films of yesteryear. Doors open 7:00pm for 7:30pm start with tickets for the event £2.50 in advance.

A licensed bar will operate on the night and full details are available on 01777 705 060.

MOTHERS UNION: Babworth and Sutton Mothers Union will hold their next meeting on Monday 7th March in Ranby church at 2:00pm.

The speaker on this occasion will be Ann Hickman, whose topic will be on the Mothers Union Theme for 2011, – “Faithful Relationships”.

All enquiries to the Secretary.

NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: The committee of the local Neighbourhood Watch Association met on Tuesday 22nd February 2011 at 2:30pm and the following points came under discussion:

Police and Crime Report: In the absence of PC Glover and PCSO Catherine Phillips, a colleague PCSO Steph Jones brought the meeting up to date with the latest statistics. In the area, since January 1st 2011, 3 crimes had been reported.

Anti-social behaviour 3 counts, one Road traffic incident, one abandoned vehicle and a residential dispute.

Whilst the village is at the lower end of criminal activity scale, residents are requested to remain vigilant and keep the statistics low for the benefit of all.

Information has been received from Terry Reynolds office with details of an extraordinary meeting of Bassetlaw Neighbourhood Watch Association to be held in Retford Town Hall on Wednesday 16th March at 7:30pm.

All associations are invited to attend and may receive information to their advantage Light refreshments will be provided on the night.

Chairman Harry Hopkins was pleased to inform the meeting that the date for the local associations AGM was confirmed as Monday 16th May 2011. The venue is Sutton Village Hall which has been booked accordingly. Various disciplines will be approached to speak at the event. Residents and friends are invited to attend the AGM and support the volunteers who run the local association on behalf of the village.

An important date for your diary.

COFFEE MORNING:  This very popular event is scheduled to take place on Saturday 19th March in the Village Hall at 10:00am, with regular hosts Brian and Kathryn Seddons.

A cover charge of £2.00 will include admission, refreshments, cake or biscuits and entry draw in the instant raffle. Further details available from Brian or Kathryn on 01777 860 313.

VILLAGE VENTURES: The next in the village venture series, “Back to the Land Girls” scheduled to take place on Tuesday 22nd March in Sutton Village Hall at 7:30pm appears to be a sell-out even at this early stage.

Further details or for any ticket cancellations contact: Fred Payne on 01777 707 562.

COUNCILLORS SURGERY: District and County Councillor Mrs Liz Yates will hold a surgery on Thursday 10th April 2011 at the Misterton Centre from 10:30am – 12:00 noon.

Anyone requiring advice is most welcome to attend.

It is the Councillors intention to arrange some surgeries in the parish in the near future and details will be published accordingly.

QUIZ NIGHT: Another Quiz night was held at the Gate Inn last Sunday, with many teams challenging for top honours.

Some high scoring rounds during the evening, but the eventual winners were declared as “With Brains” who on this occasion opted for the mystery prize on offer.

Fresh challengers are welcome to take on the regulars next Sunday night at the usual time of 9:00pm.with Question Master John Jones presiding.

VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS: Enquiries with regard to the booking of the Village Hall should be made by contacting 07528 831 685 or by visiting the web page; www.suttonvillagehall.net

SUTTON ART GROUP: The group will meet as usual on Friday mornings and will continue throughout the season. Further detail available from Joan Reiter on 01777 702 137 or Margaret Beare on 01777 704 836.

PCSO: The PCSO for the area is 4735 Catherine Phillips who can be contacted direct on: Mobile: 07525 409 789.

WHEELIE BINS: Residents are reminded that Blue bins should be put out for collection late on Monday night (7th March) or early Tuesday morning.