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Contacting the Police

If you need to contact the police for any reason, there are a number of ways to do it. Some of these depend on the nature of the problem.

Note that you can find out who your local policing team is, and how to make direct contact with them – simply go to and enter your post code.

See all the ways you can contact the Police


In an emergency, when a crime is taking place or when a person is in immediate danger, people should always call 999.

Non-Emergency Number 101

All suspected crime and antisocial behaviour should be reported without delay to the regional coordination office on the non-emergency 101 number.

Calls to the 101 number will be answered by control room staff. Residents will not find themselves speaking to someone in another part of the country, and there are many great benefits to the introduction of the new non-emergency number.

The 101 number can be used when people simply want to talk to a local police officer, or for other non-emergencies, including:

  • reporting that a car has been stolen
  • reporting that property has been damaged
  • reporting suspected drug use or dealing taking place
  • reporting a minor traffic collision
  • giving police information about crime in their area

When a call is made to 101, you will hear a recorded message announcing that you are being connected to your local Police Force. If you are located on a boundary between two or more forces, the message will give you a choice of which Police Force to be connected to.

Police call handlers will then answer the calls and if the incident is recognised as an emergency, the operator will put you through to 999.

Calls to 101 will cost 15p per call, irrespective of how long the call may last, and applies to all landlines and mobile phones.

Local Support

The village is classed as “Rural Bassetlaw”. You can find out who your local policing team is, and how to make direct contact with them here.

For matters that require an URGENT response, 999 should be used, for example where offenders are actively at a crime scene or are believed to be in the area.

Where a call is required to record a crime that has occurred at some time in the past, 101 which is the National Police number for police should be used, and an incident created for audit purposes.

Reporting Crime

By Telephone

For emergencies and crimes in progress, call 999.

For all other incidents, please use the non-emergency number, 101.

In Person to Retford Police Station

Retford now operates on a shared service facility based at the square in the town centre.

Report a Crime Online

Failing these, you can report a crime online here.


Crimestoppers is a charity that works with police forces throughout the UK to solve crime. It was set up in 1988 to break the wall of silence that sometimes surrounds crime, a silence that criminals exploit in order to avoid justice.

If you have information about a crime or a criminal, the anonymous number 0800 555 111 enables you to pass on that information in complete confidence.

You will not be asked your name, your call will not be traced or recorded, and you do not have to go to court. You may also be eligible for a reward.

See more about Crimestoppers in Nottinghamshire here

If you’re a young person and want to find out more about Crimestoppers, visit

Nottinghamshire Alert

Nottinghamshire Alert is a two-way secure communication system which allows residents to communicate with Nottinghamshire Police and for Nottinghamshire Police to communicate with residents and alert them to incidents in their area.

Communication is by email, text or telephone, but residents need to “sign up” to the system to enjoy the benefits.

Read more about Nottinghamshire Alert

Neighbourhood Watch Association

Many people ask why they should join a local Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. Well here are just a few reasons for joining, or indeed, starting a scheme:

  • Neighbourhood Watch (NW) is one of the biggest and most successful crime prevention initiatives ever and the largest voluntary organisation in the country.
  • If you join your local group, you can feel secure knowing that your neighbours are keeping an eye on your property.
  • Getting together with your neighbours can prevent local crime, and well-run schemes have a big impact on crime and opportunities for crime.
  • Neighbourhood Watch can reassure those who live in fear of crime. Your neighbourhood is likely to be safer, friendlier, and a more attractive place when you have a scheme working for you.
  • Neighbourhood Watch is an ideal way of targeting a particular problem in an area, such as burglary, vandalism or car crime.
  • Neighbourhood Watch can rekindle community spirit and is a great way to get to know your neighbours.
  • You will become familiar with crime prevention ideas to keep your home and property safe.
  • Finally, you may be entitled to a discount on your home insurance premiums. However, remember that if you get such a discount, you must inform your insurers should you withdraw from the NW scheme, or it ceases to function.

Please contact the scheme coordinator for our area for more information.

Bassetlaw Neighbourhood Watch Association

The Bassetlaw Neighbourhood Watch Association represents the Bassetlaw and Newark & Sherwood areas of Nottinghamshire.

Want something publicising?

Don’t forget, if you have any event or item of interest for the village, just email it to and our resident website monitor will do his best to accommodate you. All posts go out to our increasing list of email update subscribers as soon as they’re published.

We also have the Sutton Spotlight, which goes out to every house in the village on a quarterly (ish) basis. Space is sometimes limited, so try to get your entry in early.

We’re also lucky to have a village Journalist who collates news and updates for the Retford Times on a weekly basis. Get your copy in on Monday morning for the Thursday issue.

Some updates are also sent down the village “X formerly Twitter” feed, @SuttonCumLound. So, follow us there for these and other items in and around our area.

The Parish Council has a Facebook presence for all things of a council nature. Contact the Clerk if you want anything on this feed.