ST.BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: “A Sung Eucharist” will take place at the local church on Sunday 9th October. The service commences at 9:30am and everyone is welcome.
POSTAL SERVICES: The Post Office in the Village Hall will be available as usual on two occasions each week. On Mondays: 9:30am – 1:30pm and on Thursdays 9:00am – 1:00pm. The local office can supply residents with: Pensions, Foreign Currency, Travel Insurance, Car Insurance, Investments and Savings.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: The committee of the local association met as scheduled last Tuesday week (27th September) at 45 Sutton Lane in the village.
In opening the meeting chairman Harry Hopkins asked the gathering to be upstanding as a minutes silence was held in memory of committee member June Barlow who passed away recently. June was a well respected member and an avid supporter of the local group for many years and will be sadly missed.
Various topics came under discussion during the meeting including: Theft of a garden ornament from a property in the village and the theft of a quantity of telephone cable in the area which resulted in a great many properties in the village having no telephone landline access up to and including Friday of last week.
PCSO Catherine Phillips was in attendance to answer any questions on behalf of the Police and give an update of events and incidents in the rural areas.
With regards to the increase in the theft of scrap metals, Police had launched “Operation Metallica” to combat such incidents happening in the East Bassetlaw Area
Operation Metallica’ involved days of action in which roadside vehicle checks were made and visits to scrap metal dealers were undertaken to inspect records and CCTV and ensure they had the compulsory approved licenses to operate.
Partnerships are also being forged with scrap metal dealers who, under the “Scrapwatch” scheme, which encourages information exchange, agree to alert Police to those they believe are trying to sell them scrap metal which may be stolen.
This had a marked degree of success and a report will follow when the final paper work is completed. The next meeting of the group will take place on Tuesday 25th October at 52 Station Rd. at the usual time of 2:30pm.
Members are asked to remain vigilant as the dark nights approach and report anything that seems suspicious or gives cause for concern.
VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS: Enquiries with regard to the booking of the village hall should be made by contacting 07902 985 831 or by visiting the web page;
PATCHWALK: PCSO for the area 4735 Catherine Phillips will conduct her next patchwalk of the village on Thursday 6th October from 4:00pm till 6:00pm.
If you have any issues or concerns please approach the officer who will be only too pleased to help where possible.
MEET THE NEIGHBOURS: A reminder to patrons that the Neighbours group will meet on Tuesday 11th October in the Village Hall at the usual time of 2:00pm. You are invited to come and join them.
WOMEN’S INSTITUTE: The next meeting of the Sutton and Barnby Moor Women’s Institute will be on Wednesday 19th October in Sutton Village Hall at the usual time of 7:15pm.
The speaker on that occasion will be Lynda Kinnard and the theme will be a “Creative Christmas” Visitors and new members are always welcome.
ZUMBA FITNESS: The weekly run classes held at the Village Hall on Tuesday evenings at 7:45pm are still attracting an enthusiastic crowd. This very popular pastime is open to over 16’s, the entry fee is £4 00, and everyone is made welcome.
POLICE: Local Beat manager for the area PC Chris Glover can be contacted on
Mobile: 07595 074 176 for information and advice.
Alternative Police contact can be made on: 0300 300 9999
More urgent needs may require a 999 call.
SUTTON SPOTLIGHT: The second edition of the Sutton Spotlight was distributed around the village as scheduled.
The local information sheet is produced volunteers and funded by Sutton cum Lound Parish Council and Parish Plan Steering Group, and feedback indicates that residents once again find the document most informative with excellent content.
SUTTON ART GROUP: The group will meet as usual on Friday mornings and will continue throughout the season. Further detail available from Joan Reiter on 01777 702 137 or Margaret Beare on 01777 704 836.
VILLAGE VENTURES: The next production in the Village Ventures series is scheduled to take place on Thursday 13th October in Sutton Village Hall.
Tickets are now on sale from all the usual outlets for “Holmes and Watson” – The Farewell Tour.
Before slipping into well-earned retirement, Sherlock Holmes has prevailed upon his long–time companion Dr.Watson, his landlady Mrs Hudson and Inspector Lestrade of Scotland Yard to join him in a farewell tour of the British Isles.
You are cordially invited to join them for this performance.
Further details available from 01777 707 562.
PCSO for the area is 4735 Catherine Phillips who can be contacted direct on: Mobile: 07525 409 789.
COFFEE MORNING: Another coffee morning has been arranged by regular hosts Brian and Kathryn Seddons in the Village Hall and will take place on Saturday 22nd October at the usual times of 10:30am until 12:30pm. Villagers will be able to enjoy tea/coffee and cakes whilst socialising in convivial company. The £2.00 entry fee includes an entry ticket to the instant raffle, with all profits from the event going to Village Hall fund.
WHEELIE BINS: Residents are reminded that green bins should be put out for collection late on Monday night (10th October) or early Tuesday morning.