• Reading time:5 mins read

IDLE VALLEY SOCIETY: When the Idle Valley walking group held their “Cup and Chatter” meeting on Monday 7th November, it was at the Citrus Café in the Retford and Gainsboro’ Garden Centre.

After socialising over afternoon tea the group tried their hand at a small quiz, which was won on this occasion by Cyril Bloomfield from Sutton cum Lound.

In December there is no monthly meeting scheduled, but the group will come together for a Christmas Lunch on Tuesday 6th December which will be held at the Red Hart in Blyth. Members will gather at the venue at 12:00noon in readiness to dine at 12:30pm.

A few vacancies exist within the club and further details are available from Secretary Margaret Stacey on 01777 818 478.

ST. BARTHOLOMEWS CHURCH: In this the third Sunday, 20th November, at the local church a “Sung Eucharist” will take place. The service starts at 9:30am and everyone is welcome.

POSTAL SERVICES: The Post Office in the Village hHll will be available as usual on two occasions each week. On Mondays: 9:30am – 1:30pm and on Thursdays 9:00am – 1:00pm.   The local office can supply residents with: Pensions, Foreign Currency, Travel Insurance, Car Insurance, Investments and Savings.

SUTTON ART GROUP: Sutton art group will hold their annual art exhibition and sale of work at Sutton Village Hall on Sunday 20th November from 11:00am -4:00pm.

Entry is free and refreshments will be available. Villagers are invited to come along and view the many exhibits on show, with some available for purchase on the day. The local school will also have items on display on the day.

POLICE: Local Beat manager for the area PC Steve Bolstridge can be contacted on Mobile: 07525 226 886 for information and advice. Alternative Police contact can be made on:101 the new number now in use for non-emergency calls. More urgent needs may require a 999 call.

ZUMBA FITNESS: Please note this new fitness craze has now changed its schedule and now takes place in Sutton Village Hall every Monday evening from 7:00pm – 8:00pm.

Open to over 16’s and entry fee is £4.00. Come along and have some fun whilst getting fit.

THE EDWARDIAN CHOIR: Villagers who attended the recent concert held in the Village Hall were so impressed with the performance are suggesting that the group be invited back to perform again next year. Thanks must go to the choir and their musical accompanist and the organiser for their efforts made on behalf of Village Hall funds. 

SUTTON AND BARNBY MOOR WI: The group met on Wednesday 16th November at 7:15pm in Sutton Village Hall and a full report will follow.

VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE: The village hall committee met on Monday evening 14th November and the following items came under discussion: Finances, Business Planning, Fundraising and Maintenance.

SUTTON APRIL CLUB: When the Sutton club meet on Friday 18th November it will be the groups “Away Day” and that means a change of venue for the day. Members will meet at the Birches pub and restaurant on Thrumpton Lane Retford at 12:30pm for a communal lunch and will dine at approximately 1:00pm.

Further details available from Carole Head (Group Leader) on 01777 705 077.

NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: The local association report the following :

The new nonemergency number 101 went live on Monday 7th November 2011 – this number replaces the 0300 300 99 99 number which will gradually be phased out before being turned off completely on Monday 9th January 2012. Until the old number is turned off,  a message will be posted on the line directing callers to use the new 101 number.

Calls to the 101 number will be answered by control room staff within the Force – residents will not find themselves speaking to someone in another part of the country and there are many great benefits to the introduction of the new non-emergency number.

In an emergency, when a crime is taking place or when a person is in immediate danger people should always call 999.

The 101 number can be used when people simply want to talk to a local Police Officer, or for other non emergency incidents.

For local issues or advice residents can also contact their local beat manager PC Steve Bolstridge on : 07525 226 886 or PCSO Catherine Phillips on: 07525 409 789.

COFFEE MORNING: The next coffee morning will be held on Saturday 10th December in the Village Hall and hosted as usual by Brian and Kathryn Seddons.

There is no admission charge on this occasion, Coffee / Tea / biscuits and cake will be available to purchase.

As we approach the festive season this coffee morning will be one with a difference, and will host a few seasonal stalls situated around the hall. These will include cards, arts and crafts and table decorations of various types to get the festive off to a good start.   The Christmas Raffle will be drawn during this event.

VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS: Enquiries with regard to the booking of the Village Hall should be made by contacting 07092 985 831 or by visiting the newly revamped web page: www.suttonvillagehall.net or email bookings@suttonvillagehall.net.

SUTTON ART GROUP: The group will meet as usual on Friday mornings and will continue throughout the season. Further detail available from Joan Reiter on 01777 702 137 or Margaret Beare on 01777 704 836.

PCSO: The PCSO for the area is 4735 Catherine Phillips who can be contacted direct on her mobile: 07525 409 789.

WHEELIE BINS: Residents are reminded that green bins should be put out for collection late on Monday night (21st November) or early Tuesday morning.