Following a couple of whoopsy’s on the recent Diamond Jubilee flyer, we thought it best to correct the errors:
- For those wanting to reserve Mugs, or register interest in the Family Fun Cricket match, the correct telephone number for the Clerk is: 01777 948 320 … apologies to the unsuspecting person who is receiving the strange phone calls. Follow the links below for other options to register.
- For those wanting to reserve tickets online for the Children’s Party, or Barn dance, please see below. The flyer had lost the web address … but since you’re reading this, you’ve clearly found it.
Everything here has now been corrected and updated, so please feel at ease that it is actually going to get you to the correct place.
Apologies for any inconvenience.
The Sutton Parish Plan Steering Group in conjunction with Sutton Parish Council, Sutton Village Hall, the Church and a host of others is pleased to announce the plans for the forthcoming celebrations for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations in the village.
By now you should have received your Jubilee flyer (rain permitting), but if you’ve missed or misplaced it, see a copy here. You should also be able to find spares at the Village Hall and Pick’s Store.
We have a veritable feast of FREE entertainment planned for Sunday 3rd June and Monday 4th June 2012. The flyer gives a flavour of what’s on and when, but a special Jubilee edition of the Sutton Spotlight is planned for the end of May which will contain a complete programme of events. In the meantime, please put these dates into your diary … and keep your fingers crossed for a sunny couple of days.
Everything is FREE (apart from what you choose to spend on the day) …. but some of them you need to register for. This is just so that we know how many numbers to cater for. So, eyes down …
If you want:
a free Diamond Jubilee Mug for any child under 17 courtesy of the Parish Council
your child to attend the free Children’s Tea Party for any child at the Village Hall on Sunday 3rd June
to attend the free Barn Dance at the Village Hall (food is free but the bar IS NOT) on Sunday 3rd June
to volunteer for the Family Fun cricket match on Monday 4th June
We want everyone in the village to have a great time and celebrate 60 years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.
Watch out for the Jubilee Spotlight over the next few weeks.