SUTTON GARDENING CLUB: The Sutton Gardening Club meeting on Tuesday 12th March in the Village Hall was a most enjoyable event when Carol and Marjorie gave their talk on the “Story of Winthrop Park”. The presentation had a unique flavour with video, sound, anecdotes and poetry which told us about the development of the Park at Wickesley, Rotherham. An inspiring story covering 10 years in the realisation of a vision and a commitment to the community following an illness – the result being a beautiful garden for us all to enjoy and it isn’t far away at S66 1EE.
ST.BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: “Songs of Praise” will be the order of service at the local church on Sunday 24th March. The service commences at the usual time of 9:30am and everyone is welcome.
Will Parishioners please note that on Easter Sunday (March 31st) a “Sung Eucharist” will take place but at the earlier time of 9:00am and not as stated in “By the Way”.
POSTAL SERVICES: The Post Office in the Village Hall will be available as usual on two occasions each week. On Mondays 9:30am – 1:30pm and on Thursdays 9:00am – 1:00pm. The local office can supply residents with : Pensions, Foreign Currency, Travel Insurance, Car insurance, investments and Savings
POLICE: The local Beat Team for the BERL beat ( Bassetlaw East Ranskill./.Lound) are as follows:
PC 3258 Jason Fellows Tel: 101 ext. 8077 364 Mobile: 07525 226 893
PCSO 8139 David Airey Tel: 101 ext. 8077 364 Mobile: 07525 226 838
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: The committee of the local association report the following:
- The committee of the local association will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday 25th March at 27 Portland Place Sutton at the usual time of 2:30pm.
COUNCILLOR: Tracey Taylor, District Councillor for Sutton Ward can be contacted at any reasonable time on 01777 816 781 or mobile 07771 629 380.
SUTTON ART GROUP: The group meet every Friday morning in the Village Hall and will continue throughout the season. Further details of the group and their activities are available from Joan Reiter on 01777 702 137 or Margaret Beare on 01777 704 836.
FLYGILITY: The local team who usually meet at Barnby Moor Village Hall playing fields on a Saturday afternoon (weather permitting) from 2:00 – 4:00pm had an away-day on Saturday 16th March. Avid owners and their pets braved the unfavourable weather conditions and made the trip to Doncaster in support of a charity event held at the Deaf Trust’s Campus on Ledger Way.
“Walkies”, organised in aid of Guide Dogs for the Blind, was about training and obedience for pets and owners. Fly ball and agility tests were carried out by the visiting team from Barnby Moor who despite freezing cold conditions applied themselves to the job in hand and set a fairly high standard as well as creating a bit of hilarity. Even dogs are allowed an off day!!
Pets and handlers completed the usual set up and were keen to get home to snooze in front of a lovely warm fire. Unfortunately the event was not as well supported as it may have been despite a keen advertising campaign.
The local group will meet as normal next Saturday at the usual venue at 2:00pm.
PARISH COUNCIL: Sutton Parish Council held their monthly meeting on Wednesday 13th March 2013 in the Village Hall at the usual time of 7:00pm. In attendance were Chairman, Vice-Chair, Four Councillors, and Clerk to the Council.
One member of the Public attended, the District Councillor and the County Councillor were also in attendance and the local PCSO Dave Airey was in attendance for some of the agenda items. At the beginning of the evening both Councillor Yates and Councillor Taylor informed the Parish Council of a zero Council tax increase for their respective organisations.
Listed below are some of the items that came under discussion at some point in the evening:
- Safer Neighbourhoods and Neighbourhood Watch Groups update given
- Matters of information arising from previous minutes
- Communication Policy
- Code of Conduct
- Parish Plan Items: allotments, footpaths, community benches, and play park area
The next meeting of the council is scheduled for Wednesday 10th April 2013 at the usual time of 7:00pm. in the Village Hall. Villagers are invited to join them!
SUTTON APRIL CLUB: The Sutton April Club will meet on Friday 22nd March in the Village Hall at the usual time of 2:00pm.
Details of the group and its activities are available from group leader Carole Head on 01777 705 077.
MEET THE NEIGHBOURS: Despite adverse weather conditions twenty residents turned out to the Meet the Neighbours gathering held on Tuesday 12th March in the Village Hall at 2:00pm.
The group were presented with a winter warmer in the form of piping hot chicken and mushroom soup by the organiser Joan Reiter and her band of willing helpers. Fresh bread and butter helped it all go down well.
Visitors socialised for the afternoon, official notices affecting the village were read out, leaflets with information regarding the next village ventures presentation were circulated, notices about the gardening club were imparted and the next coffee morning was publicised. As the group concentrated on cakes and biscuits and hot sausage rolls the usual raffle took place.
Villagers were pleased to see both the District Councillor Tracey Taylor and County Councillor Liz Yates present at the event, mingling with those present.
During the giving out of official notices both Councillors were thanked for their attendance and their support of the village in general.
KELLY J FITNESS: The local group continue to meet on Monday nights at 7 00pm in the Village Hall and tends to attract new members at each session.
The fully qualified fitness instructor and personal trainer is on hand to put members through their paces with exercises tailored to suit individual needs.
This is a chance to get your body in shape for summer which is not too far away
Further details are available from Kelly on 07514 098043 or on
VILLAGE HALL UPDATE: Further work to the servery is due to commence this week as part of the refurbishment programme.
COUNTY COUNCILLOR: If you have any issues or concerns then your County Councillor Mrs Liz Yates can be contacted at any reasonable time on 01777 860 219.
HALL BOOKINGS: Enquiries with regard to the booking of the Village Hall should be made by contacting 07092 985831. Anyone making enquiries please note that the number is not manned on a permanent basis, but calls are re routed to one of three points for their attention and will be dealt with as soon as possible.
Please be patient and your enquiry will be dealt with. Thanks for your cooperation.
The Village Hall web site is available at or email:
WHEELIE BINS: Residents are reminded that green bins should be put out for collection late on Monday night (25th March) or early Tuesday morning.