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Sutton Village Logo

Meet the Neighbours

The Neighbours team continue to meet in the Village Hall on the third Thursday of every month. The next get together is on Thursday 17th March at 12:45pm.

This informal lunch event takes place monthly, providing a two-course meal for £7.00 followed by tea/coffee. There is usually a fun quiz, a raffle with a variety of exciting prizes and a licensed bar. Why not come along and meet friends old and new in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. For anyone new to the village, this is a great way to “Meet the Neighbours” and find out all that goes on in and around the village. To book your place, either email mtn@suttonvillagehall.net or call (01777) 854410 and leave your contact details (Please note this is an answerphone service).

Remember, numbers are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment!

Visit the Village Hall website for more details.

Have Your Say

Sutton Parish Council invite residents to join them on Saturday 19th March in the Village Hall for coffee and cakes from 10:00am to 12:00noon where you can find out more about CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) funding, what the money may be used for, and to share any ideas you may have. As a member of Sutton cum Lound community, you should have a say in what this funding should be used for, and even offer ideas on what facilities you would like to see in the village! Please come along and have your say!

No ideas? Please still come along; we want you to have your say and see what others may want to develop in the village.

Mobile Library Van

The library van will be visiting the village on Monday 21st March, stopping at all the usual places.

Community Litter Pick

As part of Bassetlaw District Council’s Spring Clean 2022 event, the Parish Council are organizing a Community Litter Pick to take place on Saturday 26th March 2022 from 10:00am. Gloves, litter pickers, high visibility vests and rubbish bags will be provided. Following the litter pick, Bassetlaw District Council will collect all the bagged rubbish. Anyone wishing to take part in this event should register their interest by calling (01777) 854 410 and leaving their name and contact details. Everyone who joins in will receive complimentary refreshments in the Village Hall at the end of the event.

If you want to help make your local area a nicer place to live and visit, then why not do your bit by joining in.

Parish Council

Parish Councillor Vacancies

A number of vacancies exist for councillors. Interested parties should contact the Clerk to the Council, Mrs Claire Challener, for further details.

See more about the Parish Council here.

Village Hall News

Live and Local Performance

On Friday 22nd April 2022 the hall will be hosting its first Live and Local performance, Forget Me Not – The Alzheimer’s Whodunnit. This is a one-man murder mystery with a poignant twist. The show creator and performer, Rob Gee, has achieved the rare feat of combining serious and potentially upsetting subject-matter and remarkable comedy into a respectful, considerate, entertaining piece of theatre.

Tickets will be £13.50 each in advance.

Visit the Village Hall website for more details.

Gardening Club

The organizers and committee of the club have organized an away day for the group with a visit to RHS Bridgewater to take place on Wednesday 17th August 2022. The cost for the whole trip (return coach and admission to RHS Bridgewater) will be £15.00 per person. There will be a £10.00 per person non -refundable deposit taken in May please, and the balance of £5.00 per person payable in June. Or, if you wish, you can pay the entire £15.00 per person in May! Details of coach times and final arrangements will be circulated nearer the time.

You can discover more about the Gardening Club on the Sutton website here.

Sutton Spotlight

The first edition of the Spotlight in 2022 has made its way round the village over the weekend. Once again, a very informative magazine, keeping householders up to date with news and views from in and around the village. The Spotlight is funded by Sutton cum Lound Parish Council and is produced and delivered by volunteers.

St Bartholomew’s Church

The service for Sunday 13th March, the second Sunday in Lent, was “Songs of Praise” that was held at the usual time of 9:30am. The officiant on this occasion was Lay minister Joan Herrington. Intercessions: Janet Webb. Organist: Geoff Webb.

The service for Sunday 20th March is “Worship for All” and commences at the usual time of 9:30am. All welcome!

Please note that there is no Holy Communion this month.

District Councillor Surgery

District Councillor Denise Depledge held her surgery on as scheduled at Sutton Village Hall on Saturday 5th March from 9:00am to 10:00am.

The next surgery is scheduled to take place on the first Saturday in April from 9:00am to 10:00am in Sutton Village Hall. If you have any outstanding issues or require guidance or advice, then please call in and see your councillor.

Parish Council

Parish Councillor Vacancies

The Parish Council have a number of vacancies and would like to co-opt new councillors as soon as possible. If you are interested in joining the Council and serving your community, then please contact the Clerk to the Council for further information.

The Parish Council normally meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm in the Village Hall.

You can discover more about the Parish Council on the Sutton website here, and more topical information may be available on the Parish Council Facebook page here.

Village Hall News

Funhouse Comedy Club

Following on from the successful Funhouse Comedy Club event last October, compère Spikey Mike will return on Friday 20th May 2022 to introduce a further 3 comedians.

Tickets will be £20.00 each in advance and include pie and peas.

Tickets for all events can be reserved by calling (01777) 854 392 and leaving your contact details (please note this is an answerphone service only).

Visit the Village Hall website for more details.

More About …

District Councillor

Your District Councillor for Sutton Ward is Darrell Pulk. Please see here for contact information.

Gardening Club

You can discover more about the Gardening Club on the Sutton website here.

Meet the Neighbours

You can discover more about the Neighbours group on the Sutton website here.

Visit the Village Hall website for more details.

Mobile Library

The mobile library van normally visits the village on a monthly basis on Mondays.

You can discover more about the Mobile Library service on the Sutton website here

Nottinghamshire County Councillor

Your Nottinghamshire County Councillor for Sutton is Tracey Taylor. Please see here for contact information.


You can discover more about the Police on the Sutton website here.

Post Office

The Post office operates out of the Village Hall on a regular basis. Please check the Village Hall Calendar of Events for days and times.

Please call in and support this much needed facility operating for the benefit of all.

St Bartholomew’s Church

You can discover more about the church on the Sutton website here, and more current information may be available on the church Facebook page here.

Sutton Art Group

You can discover more about the Sutton Art Group on the Sutton website here.

Sutton Parish Council

The Parish Council normally meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm in the Village Hall, but please see the Village Hall calendar for confirmation.

You can discover more about the Parish Council on the Sutton website here, and more topical information may be available on the Parish Council Facebook page here.

Sutton Spotlight

The Sutton Spotlight is funded by Sutton cum Lound Parish Council and is produced and delivered by volunteers.

You can discover more about the Sutton Spotlight on the Sutton website here.

The W.I.

You can discover more about the W.I. on the Sutton website here.

Village Hall

You can discover more about the Village Hall on the Sutton website here.

See a full description of the hall and all its activities on the Village Hall website here.

Want something publicising?

Don’t forget, if you have any event or item of interest for the village, just email it to webmaster@suttoncumlound.net and our resident website monitor will do his best to accommodate you. All posts go out to our increasing list of email update subscribers as soon as they’re published.

We also have the Sutton Spotlight, which goes out to every house in the village on a quarterly (ish) basis. Space is sometimes limited, so try to get your entry in early.

We’re also lucky to have a village Journalist who collates news and updates for the Retford Times on a weekly basis. Get your copy in on Monday morning for the Thursday issue.

All our website updates are also sent down the village “X formerly Twitter” feed, @SuttonCumLound. So, follow us there for these and other items in and around our area.

The Parish Council has a Facebook presence for all things of a council nature. Contact the Clerk if you want anything on this feed.

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