Meet The Neighbours
The next meeting of the Neighbours group will take place on Monday 20th March in the Village Hall from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. You are invited to join them for afternoon tea, when of course you can meet the neighbours.
See more at the Village Hall website here
Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting
The Parish Council met on Wednesday 15th March 2023 at 7:00pm in the Village Hall. A full report will follow, when to hand.
Volunteers Required
The Parish Council are putting plans together to celebrate the forthcoming coronation of His Majesty King Charles III on Saturday, May 6th 2023. If you would like to be involved in putting these events together and can volunteer your time and energy in whatever way you can, please contact the clerk at
The volunteers from the Sutton Speedwatch team were out on two separate occasions last week. Braving inclement weather, the members were out at 5:30am until 7:00am, and on another occasion in the week saw them again performing, from approximately 4:00pm until almost 6:00pm. All in the interests of safety and wellbeing of the village residents.
Sutton Spotlight
The March Issue of the Spotlight hit the village streets again over the last week, and what an asset it has turned out to be. Full of information and dates for your diary, not forgetting the local gossip of course! An excellent production, which can put many top-ranking information sheets and local magazines in the shade, and all done by a talented group of community based helpers. Funded by Sutton cum Lound Parish Council, and produced by volunteers. Well done to all concerned.
House Calls
Many householders in the village received a visit from our District Councillor Darrell Pulk during the last two weeks and, on some occasions, he was accompanied by the deputy leader of Bassetlaw Council Jo White, who has been nominated as Prospective Parliamentary Labour candidate for Bassetlaw for the forthcoming general election taking place in May.
The Councillors visits were to ascertain any issues or concerns that residents may have now or in the future. District Councillor Darrell is seen in the village most weeks and notes any problems that may arise or any abnormalities that may require his attention or intervention. Recent issues being noted as mud on village roads after agricultural work taking place or any construction issues within the area. Dog fouling is a recurring problem and the appropriate steps are being taken to address this situation, which is unsightly and can become a health hazard in the community.
St Bartholomew’s Church
Church Service
A “Family Service” took place at the local church on Sunday 5th March 2023,followed by a “Holy Communion” service on Sunday 12th March.
Mothering Sunday will be celebrated at church on Sunday 19th March. You are invited to come along and join in the service.
A warm welcome awaits you.
More About …
District Councillor
Your District Councillor for Sutton Ward is Darrell Pulk. Please see here for contact information.
Gardening Club
You can discover more about the Gardening Club on the Sutton website here.
Meet the Neighbours
You can discover more about the Neighbours group on the Sutton website here.
Visit the Village Hall website for more details.
Mobile Library
The mobile library van normally visits the village on a monthly basis on Mondays.
You can discover more about the Mobile Library service on the Sutton website here
Nottinghamshire County Councillor
Your Nottinghamshire County Councillor for Sutton is Tracey Taylor. Please see here for contact information.
You can discover more about the Police on the Sutton website here.
Post Office
The Post office operates out of the Village Hall on a regular basis. Please check the Village Hall Calendar of Events for days and times.
Please call in and support this much needed facility operating for the benefit of all.
St Bartholomew’s Church
You can discover more about the church on the Sutton website here, and more current information may be available on the church Facebook page here.
Sutton Art Group
You can discover more about the Sutton Art Group on the Sutton website here.
Sutton Parish Council
The Parish Council normally meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm in the Village Hall, but please see the Village Hall calendar for confirmation.
You can discover more about the Parish Council on the Sutton website here, and more topical information may be available on the Parish Council Facebook page here.
Sutton Spotlight
The Sutton Spotlight is funded by Sutton cum Lound Parish Council and is produced and delivered by volunteers.
You can discover more about the Sutton Spotlight on the Sutton website here.
The W.I.
You can discover more about the W.I. on the Sutton website here.
Village Hall
You can discover more about the Village Hall on the Sutton website here.
See a full description of the hall and all its activities on the Village Hall website here.
Want something publicising?
Don’t forget, if you have any event or item of interest for the village, just email it to and our resident website monitor will do his best to accommodate you. All posts go out to our increasing list of email update subscribers as soon as they’re published.
We also have the Sutton Spotlight, which goes out to every house in the village on a quarterly (ish) basis. Space is sometimes limited, so try to get your entry in early.
We’re also lucky to have a village Journalist who collates news and updates for the Retford Times on a weekly basis. Get your copy in on Monday morning for the Thursday issue.
All our website updates are also sent down the village “X formerly Twitter” feed, @SuttonCumLound. So, follow us there for these and other items in and around our area.
The Parish Council has a Facebook presence for all things of a council nature. Contact the Clerk if you want anything on this feed.