Meet The Neighbours
Unfortunately, Meet The Neighbours did not take place on Monday 3 April due to other commitments for the Village Hall Committee. However, Lynne Tweed looks forward to welcoming you all back on Monday 17 April for the usual informal drop-in event 1:00pm to 3:00pm. This event will normally take place on the first and third Monday of each month in the Village Hall to provide an opportunity to come to our welcoming space and enjoy a change of scenery whilst chatting with friends old and new.
See more at the Village Hall website here
Gardening Club
The club met as arranged on Tuesday 4th April at Barnby Moor village hall at the usual time of 7:15pm. On this occasion, Corin Tomlin addressed the group and demonstrated the finer points of Bonsai Forest Gardens.
See more about the Gardening Club here
Post Office
The Post office operates in the Village Hall on Wednesdays from 10:00am to 12:30pm. Services offered include Banking, Cash Deposits, Cash Withdrawals, Bill Payments plus lots more.
St Bartholomew’s Church
Church Service
On Sunday, 2nd April (Palm Sunday), a family Communion Service took place at the local church, conducted by Rev. Craig Hunt.
Epistle: Psalm 118. 1-2 19-29 read by Joan Herrington. Gospel: Matthew 21. 1-11 read by Dylan Boddy. Intercessions: Janet Webb. Organist: Geoff Webb.
Easter Services this weekend are as follows:
- On Friday, 7th April, a “Tenebrae Service” will take place in church at 7:00pm. A service of Love and Devotion.
Tenebrae is a religious service of Western Christianity held during the three days preceding Easter Day, and characterized by gradual extinguishing of candles, and by a “strepitus” or “loud noise” taking place in total darkness near the end of the service. Communion is often included in a Tenebrae service.
- On Sunday, 9th April (Easter Sunday), an Easter Day Eucharist will take place at the usual time of 9:30am with the Rev. A Pearce officiating. Everyone is welcome!
See more about the church here
Want something publicising?
Don’t forget, if you have any event or item of interest for the village, just email it to and our resident website monitor will do his best to accommodate you. All posts go out to our increasing list of email update subscribers as soon as they’re published.
We also have the Sutton Spotlight, which goes out to every house in the village on a quarterly (ish) basis. Space is sometimes limited, so try to get your entry in early.
We’re also lucky to have a village Journalist who collates news and updates for the Retford Times on a weekly basis. Get your copy in on Monday morning for the Thursday issue.
All our website updates are also sent down the village “X formerly Twitter” feed, @SuttonCumLound. So, follow us there for these and other items in and around our area.
The Parish Council has a Facebook presence for all things of a council nature. Contact the Clerk if you want anything on this feed.