Local Policing Team
The local policing team for the BERL beat area is as follows:
- For help and advice in the first instance, contact: PCSO LUCY STOTHART (formerly Campion), email: lucy.stothard@notts.police.uk or telephone 07976 715407
- PCSO JOHN DALE, email: john.dale@notts.police.uk or telephone 07971 784181
Speedwatch Update
Stop Speeding in Sutton Campaign!
Tired of vehicles speeding through the village? Want to see what we are doing about it? Please come along and see the work being done by the group of volunteers working on behalf of you and yours, hoping to keep the village a safer place for young and old alike.
10:00am to 2:00pm on Saturday, July 8th 2023, at Sutton cum Lound Village Hall.
- FREE speed limit wheelie bin stickers.
- Come and have your say. What do you want to see?
- Visit the Speed Watch team in action 8:00am to 4:00pm in various parts of the village throughout the day.
- Notts Police personnel on site with camera van.
- Refreshments & more.
Mobile Library
The library van will be visiting the village on Monday 10th July, stopping at all the usual places at all the usual times.
Sutton Spotlight
The local information sheet, the Sutton Spotlight, has been distributed to most dwellings over the last week. Once again full of valuable information including news and views from in and around the area. Funded by Sutton cum Lound Parish Council and produced and delivered by volunteers, the publication contains not only general information, but a few dates for your diary. Be sure to make a note.
Volunteers interested in helping the editor with the publication of future editions of this popular information sheet should contact the editor (news@suttoncumlound.net) or the clerk to the Parish Council (clerk@suttoncumlound.net). Put your talents to good use and make that contact!
Meet The Neighbours
The next meeting of the neighbour’s group will take place on Monday 17 July in Sutton Village Hall from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.
This event has become a regular feature in our calendar on the first and third Monday of each month and is attracting a following of villagers and friends who to come to our welcoming space and enjoy a change of scenery and each other’s company whilst chatting with friends old and new enjoying a drink and a piece of cake, using the Wi-Fi if working from home, challenging yourself with our newly purchased games or taking a breather before the school run. No booking required, just come along and join in.
Sutton and Barnby Moor W.I.
Sutton and Barnby Moor Women’s Institute meets every third Wednesday of the month in Sutton Village Hall at 7:15pm during the summer, and 2:15pm during the winter months.
At the last meeting on 21st June the ladies were invited to have a look at Georgian England Satire and Syllabub, a very informative talk courtesy of Judith Hedley.
On July 19th, the next meeting, a talk will be given on The Rufford Park Poachers. Members old and new always welcome
District Councillor
Apart from attending council meetings in the ward, your councillor has been busy surveying various situations arising in the area, reported by members of the community, and bringing them to the attention of the appropriate departments responsible.
Darrell has now arranged his list of surgeries for the ward, which will be held in the Village Hall, on Saturday mornings from 9:15am to 10:15am. The next one being held is on Saturday 2nd September 2023. Please call in and see your councillor if you require help or advice on any local matters.
The District Councillor for Sutton Ward Darrell Pulk can be contacted by email darrell.pulk@cllr.bassetlaw.gov.uk or by Mobile 07778 792 320 at any reasonable time.
Sutton and Barnby Moor Gardening Club
When the club met on Tuesday 4th July, it was an outing to a local garden centre, a visit to Bolham Manor Tuesday 4th July 2023 6pm start, located on Bolham lane, Retford DN22 9JG and just 15 mins out of Retford. A group of 25 plus made the effort and attended the event. A full report will follow when to hand.
See more about the Gardening Club here
St Bartholomew’s Church
Church Service
As there is no permanent vicar at the local church, the number of services has been reduced to three services per month.
On Sunday, July 2nd 2023, the fourth Sunday of Trinity, a “Holy Communion” service took place, conducted on this occasion by Father Adrian Mason. Epistle: Romans 6. 12-end. Gospel Reading: Matthew 10. 40 -42. Intercessions: Janet Webb: Organist: Margaret Rawlings.
The service on Sunday, July 9th 2023, (the 5th Sunday of Trinity) at the local church is “A Family Service”, please come along and bring the family, a warm welcome awaits you. The service starts at the usual time of 9:30am.
Post Office
The Post office operates in the Village Hall on Wednesdays from 10:00am to 12:30pm. Services offered include banking, Cash Deposits, Cash Withdrawals, Bill Payments plus lots more.
More About …
District Councillor
Your District Councillor for Sutton Ward is Darrell Pulk. Please see here for contact information.
Gardening Club
You can discover more about the Gardening Club on the Sutton website here.
Meet the Neighbours
You can discover more about the Neighbours group on the Sutton website here.
Visit the Village Hall website for more details.
Mobile Library
The mobile library van normally visits the village on a monthly basis on Mondays.
You can discover more about the Mobile Library service on the Sutton website here
Nottinghamshire County Councillor
Your Nottinghamshire County Councillor for Sutton is Tracey Taylor. Please see here for contact information.
You can discover more about the Police on the Sutton website here.
Post Office
The Post office operates out of the Village Hall on a regular basis. Please check the Village Hall Calendar of Events for days and times.
Please call in and support this much needed facility operating for the benefit of all.
St Bartholomew’s Church
You can discover more about the church on the Sutton website here, and more current information may be available on the church Facebook page here.
Sutton Art Group
You can discover more about the Sutton Art Group on the Sutton website here.
Sutton Parish Council
The Parish Council normally meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm in the Village Hall, but please see the Village Hall calendar for confirmation.
You can discover more about the Parish Council on the Sutton website here, and more topical information may be available on the Parish Council Facebook page here.
Sutton Spotlight
The Sutton Spotlight is funded by Sutton cum Lound Parish Council and is produced and delivered by volunteers.
You can discover more about the Sutton Spotlight on the Sutton website here.
The W.I.
You can discover more about the W.I. on the Sutton website here.
Village Hall
You can discover more about the Village Hall on the Sutton website here.
See a full description of the hall and all its activities on the Village Hall website here.
Want something publicising?
Don’t forget, if you have any event or item of interest for the village, just email it to webmaster@suttoncumlound.net and our resident website monitor will do his best to accommodate you. All posts go out to our increasing list of email update subscribers as soon as they’re published.
We also have the Sutton Spotlight, which goes out to every house in the village on a quarterly (ish) basis. Space is sometimes limited, so try to get your entry in early.
We’re also lucky to have a village Journalist who collates news and updates for the Retford Times on a weekly basis. Get your copy in on Monday morning for the Thursday issue.
All our website updates are also sent down the village “X formerly Twitter” feed, @SuttonCumLound. So, follow us there for these and other items in and around our area.
The Parish Council has a Facebook presence for all things of a council nature. Contact the Clerk if you want anything on this feed.