WW2 Pillbox added to list of Non-Designated Heritage Assets in Sutton cum Lound
A new building in our Parish has just been added to the Non-Designated Heritage Asset register maintained by Bassetlaw District Council.
Items of historical significance were discussed during a recent meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, and the pillbox in “Bunker Wood” was mentioned.
After bringing it to the attention of BDC, it has now been added to their NDHA register.
A map of all Assets can be found here.
Name: WW2 Pillbox at Sutton cum Lound
Date: 1940-1942
Description: ROF-type WW2 Pillbox, square plan with access corridor attached, of brick construction with cast concrete upper. Wide rectangular embrasures (slots) gave a large field of fire for the occupants. Likely constructed as part of the outer perimeter defences around the Ranskill Royal Ordnance Factory (ROF) which was built in 1940-1942 primarily to manufacture cordite, located approximately 1 mile to the north-west. Also located close to the River Idle, which gives the site additional strategic importance.
Historic and architectural interest.
Association, Rarity, Representativeness.
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