NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH : The committee of the local association met on Tuesday 25th October at 52 Station Road in the village and the following items came under discussion:
The new PC for the area, our former beat manager Chris Glover has moved on to pastures new and the post has been allocated to PC1215 Steve Bolstridge who becomes our new beat manager. Steve joins us from Worksop East and covered parts of Sandy Lane, Shireoaks Rhodesia and Gateford.
Chris Glover was a well known face in the village and was good at handling incidents of anti-social behaviour. He will be sadly missed in the rural communities.
Steve Boldridge will be as keen to follow in the same vein and assisted by our PCSO Catherine Phillips will help keep the village as safe as possible. If you should meet the new officer in the village introduce yourself and make him welcome.
Contact can be made by mobile on: 07525 226 886.
SUTTON ART GROUP: Sutton art group will hold their annual art exhibition and sale of work at Sutton Village Hall on Sunday 20th November from 11:00am to 4:00pm.
Entry is free and refreshments will be available. This is your opportunity to pick up a masterpiece or a piece of local art at affordable prices.
SUTTON APRIL CLUB: The Sutton club will meet on Friday 4th November in the Village Hall when a selection of their favourite activities will take place.
Further details available from group leader Carole Head on 01777 705 077.
VILLAGE VENTURES: The next in the Village Ventures series takes place on Thursday 24th November – How Steeple Sinderby Wanderers Won the F.A. Cup.
Is it possible? Could a humble village team really have taken on the best that the football leagues could throw at it and still come out on top?
Doors open at 7:00pm. Performance starts at 7:30pm.
Tickets: £7.00 (£4.00 for 16 or under). Suitable for ages 10+. The latest production from The New Perspectives Theatre Company.
Contact Fred Payne on (01777) 707 562 or Sharon on 07092 985 831 for tickets, or for more details / reserve tickets see
SUTTON AND BARNBY MOOR WI: The next meeting of the group will be held on Wednesday 16th November at 7:15pm in Sutton Village Hall. The speaker on this occasion will be Diane Hemsley who will demonstrate jewellery making.
Visitors and new members always welcome, further information available from the secretary.
THE EDWARDIAN CHOIR — Friday 4th November sees a return of the local Choir “The Edwardians” who were such a success on a previous visit. After a great many requests locally, it was decided to invite the group to perform at the Village Hall once again. With a full repertoire of popular music they will endeavour to provide entertainment to suit everyone on the night.
Tickets cost £4.00 to include a light supper, and can be reserved online at or by contacting Fred on 01777 707 562 or Sharon on 07092 985 831.
Still a few tickets left!
MUSIC QUIZ-10th NOVEMBER 2011 AT SUTTON VILLAGE HALL (7:00PM). The UK Singles Chart commenced on the 15th November 1952 and as the Chart enters its sixtieth year, the Village Hall is pleased to host a musical celebration with a prize music quiz. With music stretching from Nat “King” Cole to Rihanna and Vera Lynn to Lady Gaga it’s a quiz for the whole family. There’ll also be rounds on Film, TV and just about anything else that has been going off in the last six decades.
Tickets are only £5.00 each which includes a pie and pea supper plus entry to the prize quiz. There will be a licensed bar and all profits from the event will go to the Village Hall Charity. For tickets please contact a Village Hall committee member on 07092 985 831 or go online at
ST BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: “Morning Prayer” will be held at the local church on Sunday 6th November. The service starts at 9:30am and everyone is welcome.
PARISH COUNCIL: Meet on the second Wednesday of each month and discuss issues regarding the village. Residents are not only welcome but also actively encouraged to participate.
Note for your diary – a proposed consultation with Bassetlaw District Council to take place on Monday 5th December at Sutton Village Hall with regard to proposed development within the village boundary. Should you require further information please contact Clerk to the Parish Council at or leave a message by calling the Sutton Central telephone service: 07092 985 871 and your query will be directed to the relevant parties.
ZUMBA FITNESS: This new fitness craze has now changed its schedule Sutton Village Hall every Monday evening from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. Open to over 16’s and entry fee is £4.00. Come along and have some fun whilst getting fit.
POSTAL SERVICES: The Post Office in the Village Hall will be available as usual on two occasions each week. On Mondays: 9:30am – 1:30pm and on Thursdays 9:00am – 1:00pm. The local office can supply residents with: Pensions, Foreign Currency, Travel Insurance, Car Insurance, Investments and Savings.
VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS: Enquiries with regard to the booking of the Village Hall should be made by contacting 07092 985 831 or by visiting the newly revamped web page; or email
SUTTON ART GROUP: The group will meet as usual on Friday mornings and will continue throughout the season. Further detail available from Joan Reiter on 01777 702 137 or Margaret Beare on 01777 704 836.
PCSO: The PCSO for the area is 4735 Catherine Phillips who can be contacted direct on: Mobile: 07525 409 789.
MOTHERS UNION: The next branch meeting will take place on Monday 7th November in Ranby church. Visitors and new members always welcome.
WHEELIE BINS: Residents are reminded that greem bins should be put out for collection late on Monday night (31st October) or early Tuesday morning.