• Reading time:3 mins read

The more observant people in the village will have noticed the scaffolding placed around the hall during November. This is the start of renovation and improvement works to the hall which the Village Hall Committee has been working towards for some considerable time.

Due to the tireless efforts in particular of Angela Close and Sharon Dyson, respectively the Chair and Treasurer of the Village Hall Committee, they have managed to win a grant to the tune of £45,800 from WREN for the initial renovation.

WREN is a not for profit business that awards grants to community projects from funds donated by Waste Recycling Group (WRG). Waste Recycling Group Limited (WRG) is the landfill operator which donates a percentage of its landfill taxes to WREN via the Landfill Communities Fund. Without WRG’s generosity WREN would not be able to fund our project.

The Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) is a voluntary scheme which enables landfill operators to contribute some of the ta raised on the disposal of waste in landfill to Environmental Bodies who can then fund community, heritage and environmental projects which comply with the Landfill Tax Regulations.

Peter Cox, managing director of WREN, said: “WREN makes a difference to people’s lives by awarding grants to community, environmental and heritage projects across the UK. We’re delighted to support the Sutton cum Lound Village Hall Trust and their valuable work.”

The Village Hall Committee would like to thank WREN, WRG, all their user groups, nearby residents, and visitors to the hall for their contributions, support, and continuing co-operation during the period of the renovation work. Once completed, the hall will continue to benefit the community as a whole, but hopefully be in a much more viable and usable state.

The improvements will be carried out in various stages and residents will be kept informed as to the progress of the works at regular intervals.

Stage 1 work commenced with the removal of all the old pan tiles from the roof and was scheduled to be completed within a week or so. This enabled the contractors to start checking the roof timbers before embarking on the task of replacing the new tiles to the roof. What happens next will depend on what they find under the eves, but with the weather likely to change from the balmy conditions we’ve seen so far we really need to get the roof back on as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions please contact chair@suttonvillagehall.net, or call our Village Hall Central number: 07092 985 831