Parish Plan Steering Group
As it is 3 years since the publication of the Parish Plan, it seemed a good time to update everyone on the action points that were raised in the questionnaire and the work done so far to progress them..
Transport & Highways – Traffic/Maintenance/Weight Limits/Car Parking/Public Transport
The Parish Council are looking into flashing speed signs, traffic calming measures and weight limits.
Correspondence had been received from the school regarding turning area/parking issues which, at the time, did not offer any solutions/actions being taken to alleviate these issues.
Village Management – Anti-social Behaviour/Communication/Parish Council
Regular reports were being received from the Crime Officer on anti-social behaviour.
Youth bus was now visiting the village regularly on a Tuesday evening.
New village notice board had been installed at the entrance to Portland Place and is being utilised, mainly by the Parish Council, to display minutes of meetings , agendas and other items which are of relevance to the Community.
The Parish Council are funding the costs of printing the Sutton Spotlight, however communication of Parish Council news, views and issues is now being looked at further by Andy Close (elected to the Parish Council last year).
Environment and Conservation – footpaths/maintenance of communal areas/dog fouling/street lighting/conservation areas/street furniture
The Steering Group is currently active in looking at the production of a Walking brochure to promote local walks, and to research funding opportunities to improve signage etc.
Maintenance of verges/communal areas again falls within the remit of the Parish Council, and is being undertaken on a regular basis.
Marked improvement with regards to dog fouling following warden’s visits and signage. The Parish Council provides FREE dog litter bags, available from Pick’s Store.
Some concerns regarding the street lighting being turned off overnight, giving rise to an expected increase in crime, however the crime figures need to be monitored to see if there is any actual increase in crime/anti-social behaviour.
The Parish Council have installed a number of new waste bins, planters and are about to site 2 new benches which have been created by hosting workshops at the school.
The planters have been “adopted” by various members of the newly formed Gardening Club, and it is hoped that this will be a catalyst to enable the village to enter “best kept” competitions in the future.
The Parish Council is also in discussion with Bassetlaw District Council regarding potential conservation/preservation areas within the village.
Leisure and Education – Play area/young person’s activities/garden area/community orchard and allotments/adult education/community computer facilities
The Committee were successful in acquiring funding for the children’s play area on the Village Hall site.
The Committee are aware of a local resident who has planted a number of apple trees, in conjunction with the school, to provide a community orchard for the future.
The Parish Council are also in discussions regarding the provision of land for allotments.
The Village Hall has been approached regarding use of the hall for adult education classes next year if there is enough interest within the Parish.
Housing & future developments
Bassetlaw DC had undertaken a public consultation regarding future “potential” housing development within the village.
Village Hall – improve fabric of building/energy efficiency/events
The Village Hall Committee, have been working tirelessly over the last year to improve the fabric of the hall with a new roof, insulation, heating system, double glazed windows, new internal lighting and damp proofing being installed. It is hoped that refurbishment of the toilets and servery area will be completed within the next couple of months. Unfortunately, due to the refurbishment works, the number of events organised by the Village Hall Committee has had to be restricted.
Steering Group Membership
If you have a few hours to spare each month to meet and discuss the action points, and work towards achieving the plan aims we would like to hear from you.
We tend to get together on a monthly basis, usually on the first Tuesday of the month, and our meetings are friendly, informal and relaxed. Different village groups are represented, and all opinions and views are equally valid.
Anyone interested in joining the Steering Group should contact the Chair on for further details or leave a message on the Sutton Central number 07902 985 871.
You can see more of what the Parish Plan Steering Group has been doing by following the link below.