If you or someone you know has been a victim of a crime in Nottinghamshire, you can report it to Nottinghamshire Police online.
When you CAN use this form
Online crime reporting has been introduced to offer another option to victims of crime when reporting a crime or incident where an urgent police response is not required. Examples of crimes and incidents you can report online include:
- Criminal damage and vandalism
- Thefts from a vehicle
- Thefts of a vehicle
- Thefts of a mobile phone
- House, shed and garage burglaries
When NOT to use this form
In an emergency, always call 999. For example, you should always call 999 and never use the online crime reporting tool if:
- The crime is happening now
- Offenders are still nearby
- You or someone else is in danger
- Someone is injured
- Immediate action is required
- If you are wanting to report a problem with antisocial behaviour, such as ‘rowdy’ behaviour, street drinking, setting off fireworks late at night or problems with noise.
How we will deal with your report
Once we have received your report, we will aim to deal with it within 24 hours. You will be contacted via email to confirm what we have recorded and to let you know if there is further work to be done following your report.
Want something publicising?
Don’t forget, if you have any event or item of interest for the village, just email it to webmaster@suttoncumlound.net and our resident website monitor will do his best to accommodate you. All posts go out to our increasing list of email update subscribers as soon as they’re published.
We also have the Sutton Spotlight, which goes out to every house in the village on a quarterly (ish) basis. Space is sometimes limited, so try to get your entry in early.
We’re also lucky to have a village Journalist who collates news and updates for the Retford Times on a weekly basis. Get your copy in on Monday morning for the Thursday issue.
All our website updates are also sent down the village “X formerly Twitter” feed, @SuttonCumLound. So, follow us there for these and other items in and around our area.
The Parish Council has a Facebook presence for all things of a council nature. Contact the Clerk if you want anything on this feed.