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ST.BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: A “Family Service” will be held at the local church this Sunday. Come along and bring the family. The service starts at 9:30am and everyone is welcome. POSTAL SERVICES: The Post Office in the Village Hall will be…
ZUMBA FITNESS: This new fitness craze is now held at Sutton Village Hall and classes will resume on Tuesday 9th August at 7:45pm. Open to over 16’s and the entry fee is £4.00. Come along and have some fun whilst…
ST.BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: A “Service with a Difference” takes place on Sunday 31st at the local church. Come along and find out more, bring the family!! The service starts at 9:30am and everyone is welcome. POSTAL SERVICES: The Post Office in…
ST.BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: On Sunday 24th July “Songs of Praise” will take place at the local church. The service starts at 9:30am and everyone is welcome. POSTAL SERVICES: The Post Office in the Village Hall will be available as usual on…
ST.BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: “A Sung Eucharist” will be held on Sunday 17th at the local church The service starts at 9:30am and everyone is welcome. SUTTON SPOTLIGHT: The first edition of the Sutton Spotlight hit the streets of the village last…
ST.BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: On Sunday 3rd July Morning Prayer will held at the local church. The service starts at 9:30am and everyone is welcome. WEBSITE RELAUNCH: This week saw the launch of the new and improved Sutton Village Hall website. Please…
The Mobile Library service provided by Nottinghamshire County Council operates on North Mobile Route 1. Further information Telephone: 0845 026 7972 Email: It will be calling at Sutton on the following dates in 2011: Monday 4 April 2011 27…
POSTAL SERVICES: The Post Office in the Village Hall will be available as usual on two occasions each week. On Mondays: 9:30am – 1:30pm and on Thursdays 9:00am – 1:00pm. The local office can supply residents with: Pensions, Foreign Currency,…
ST.BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: A “Sung Eucharist” will take place at the local church on Sunday 12th June. The service commences as usual at 9:30am and everybody is welcome. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: After a very successful AGM with 28 members of the public…
ST.BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: The service at the local church this Sunday 22nd May is “Songs of Praise”. The service commences as usual at 9:30am and everybody is welcome. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: Monday 16th May was the 12th AGM of the local association…
ST.BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: “A Family Service” will take place this Sunday 15th May at the local church. The service commences as usual at 9:30am and everybody is welcome. VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE: The committee met on Monday night (9th May) for their…
ST.BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: This Sunday, 8th May at the local church, a “Sung Eucharist” will take place. The service commences as usual at 9:30am and everybody is welcome. VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE: The date for the AGM is Monday 9th May at…
ST.BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: Sunday 24th April is Easter Sunday and Holy Communion will take place at 9:30am. Everybody is welcome. SPEED WATCH: The “Speed Watch” campaign run in conjunction with the Police and the Parish Council is still ongoing and has…
ST.BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: Sunday 17th April is “Palm Sunday” and Morning Prayer will take place at the local church. The service starts at 9:30am and everyone is welcome. On Good Friday, April 22nd a Tenebrae Service will be held, the usual…
ST.BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: On Sunday 10th a “Sung Eucharist” will take place at the local church. The service starts at 9 30am and everyone is welcome. LOST AND FOUND: Misty the bearded collie cross, who went missing from her home in…
ST.BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: The service on Sunday 3rd March at St. Bartholomew’s church is one of “Morning Prayer”. The service starts at 9:30am and everyone is welcome. YESTERYEARS CINEMA: A good turnout in the village when local man Dick Bolton presented…
ST.BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: “Songs of Praise” is the service on Sunday 27th March at the local church. The service starts at 9:30am and everyone is welcome. YESTERYEARS CINEMA: Tickets are still available for Yesteryears Cinema scheduled to take place in the…
ST.BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: On Sunday 20th March a “Family Service” will take place at the local church, which you are invited to attend. The service starts at 9 30am and everyone is welcome. YESTERYEARS CINEMA: Tickets are still available for Yesteryears…
ST.BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: A “Sung Eucharist” will take place at St. Bartholomew’s Church on Sunday 13th March. The service starts at 9:30am and everyone is welcome. YESTERYEARS CINEMA: Momentum is growing as more and more people make enquiries regarding a showing…
ST.BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: This Sunday, 6th March “Morning Prayer” will take place at the local church. The service starts at 9:30am and everyone is welcome. SCHOOL NEWS: After a hectic snow bound Christmas period, the new term at Sutton has shown…